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"I do not know when, but I know that many have come in this century to develop arts and sciences, sow the seeds of a new culture that will flourish, unexpected, sudden, just when the power is deluded into believing they have won.” - Giordano Bruno
“We do not know it [God, Truth] because we are fooling away our time with outward and perishing things, and are asleep in regard to that which is real within ourselves”.
"Therefore learn Alchemy, which is otherwise called Spagyria. This teaches you to discern between the true and the false.
Such a Light of Nature is a mode of proof in all things, and walks in Light." - Paracelsus, Paramirum, Lib. I., c. 3
"The Self in man and inthe Sun are One. Those who understand this, see through the world and go beyond the various sheaths of being, to realize the unity of life.”
“May the Supreme Being protect us all. May He be pleased with us. May we acquire strength, may our study bring us illumination, may there be no enmity between us.”
- The Holy Upanishads
“The Perfect Dao is a perfect emptying of heart and mind. Within the darkness, unknowable wonders. When the wise man has attained the Source in time, he will truly reach the clouds.” Arcane Memorandum of the Red Pine Master - 7th century chinese alchemical prose.
Spagyria is an herbal alchemical medical modality that incorporates medicinal plant chemistry, advanced organic chemical extraction, pharmacology, botany, astronomy, and perennial philosophy. It is sometimes referred to as the bridge between homeopathy and allopathy. These combined fields are unified within the alchemical framework in a way that allows for holistic healing and medical treatment in a top-down life-based system.
This top-down system addresses the root-cause of dysfunctions and likewise treats the source of sickness. This is unlike modern allopathic practices which are symptom-based approaches to healing and wellness. Allopathic approaches only allows healing to occur after something is wrong with your body. Instead, Spagyric medicine regularly fortifies and encourages development of the totality of the human being by promoting the fundamental aspects of our humanity.
Spagyria is a medicine for addressing the totality of the human: Body, Spirit, and Soul.
In the Alchemical world view, everything from matter and energy, planets to elements, symbol and language, was alive with the Spirit, Body, and Soul.
The word Spagyria defined by Paracelsus literally means “to pull apart and recombine”. What is being pulled apart are the three fundamental principles of life: Spirit, Body, and Soul.
In physical terms, the soul, spirit, and body are translated to botanically sourced biological fluids including oils, resins and saps that are unique to every plant, fermented alcohols which are universal to all plants, and finally, the fixed nutritional mineral salts (uniquely ratio'd and universally available), again respectively to the soul, spirit, and body.
Upon separation of the tripartite essence of plant life, these fundamental aspects then receive rhythmic purification, transmogrification, and re-unification. This “sacred” astronomically timed re-unification creates a highly evolved and activated form of plant medicine. This medicine carries the complete uniqueness of the plant identity in a purified and potentiated form. In other words, a more full expression of the plants intelligent energetic signature of being. This transformation allows for a much more synergetic plant healing and experience.
Spagyria, therefore, is a natural means of development and expresses the universal method of positive enhancement aimed at healing and cultivating the human and our core essence into a more unified, evolved and activated expression.
A Spagyric is the epitome of a true full spectrum complete entourage plant extraction. A top-tier holistic plant medicine. Top-tier because science has shown that whole-foods and whole-supplements are more bioavailable and produce a complete entourage effect via the inclusion of the entire fresh plant in the extraction process. There is a great deal of modern scientific evidence to support the synergy between the the collected medicinal constituents of a plant medicine ((14) Williamson, 2001; Adams, 2006). Not to mention the millions of years of evolution in which humans consumed strictly raw plants and animals in tandem with the shamanist cultures.
(4) Modern Plant Chemistry, known as phytochemistry, was developed out of the necessity to identify therapeautic constituents of dried plant material due to the inability of practicing herbalists to aquire freshly harvested plant material in the world-trade of medicinal plants. This presents a percieved difficulty by scientists with the use of conventional dried herbs because the apparently "active complexes" within the medicine are chemically altered and often times denatured and destroyed becoming less bioavlaible through the drying process.
All organic life, the collected flora and fauna, have a delicate balance of life forces that preserve and sustain homeostasis during our lifetimes. These forces are what Erwin Shroedinger (1944 (15)) called 'negentropic processes'. Upon dehydration and drying, many negentropic processes are irreplacably destroyed. As will be explained further below, the negentropy of medicinal plant solutions is essential in the quality and bioavailability of plant medicine.
A prime example is in the thermal ‘activation’ (decarboxylation) of cannabis. Many, many bio-available and therapeutic constituents are damaged and lost and even harmful by-products formed when a plant is thermally decarboxylated.
Fresh plant materials provide the "correct" wholesome medicine, whereas the content of single or multi-cellular component extracts are impartial and cannot deliver true holistic healing on the spirit and soul… partial extracts only affect the body.
Spagyrics preserve the negentropic processes via the spagyric separation and reintegration of the Salts/Body which produces a truly unique non-destructive chemically catalyzed medicinal activation that out maneuvers the harmful and degenerative techniques of the typical dried plant extraction methods. This produces a more chemically whole solution of which the chemistry will be discussed further below.
Many cannabis products and other herbal medicines on the market claim to be full spectrum and complete entourage... Unfortunately this is only true for a very small handful of underrepresented medicinal plant chemists and plant medicine providers (for a partial list of spagyricists producing advanced spagyric organic extracts, please see the 16th source).
For example, with Cannabis, many extracts simply target just the CBD or CBDa, or THC-delta 8 as the target compound, when in fact there are over 200+ bioavailable and highly therapeutic endocannabinoids, among over 800 (and counting) other bio-active compounds within the plant that are typically disposed of after the partial extractions (9)
This close minded approach to medicinal plant chemistry can literally cut us off from entire universes of natural learning and healing that typical chemists, botanists, and medicine peoples commonly and arrogantly overlook.
The medicinal plant chemist main concern should be in the preservation of negentropic systems in their plant medicine to assure the maximum biological synergy.
In other words, isolates such as generic alcohol based or water based tinctures, oil extracts, super critical CO2 extractions, butane extracts, isopropyl oil extracts, distillates, wax, shatter, etc. etc that only target specific compounds and isolated chemicals (typical botanical extraction labs are looking to increase THC percentage as high as possible, due to the price mark ups. This creates an unbalanced medicine) are only partial extracts that retain a tiny fraction of the full profile of medicinal constituents. These extracts are constituted of an unbalanced chemical vitality, containing a limited and incorrect ratio of compounds from the source plant. Thus partial extracts are lacking the full spectrum entourage with its complete medicinal applications capable of holistic healing.
Fresh vs Dried Plant Medicine
Research done into the difference between dried herb vs fresh herb tinctures have revealed some astonishing results that should be briefly considered.
Firstly, due to the different components and pathways of action between fresh and dried plant material, the modern medicinal plant pharmacy developed an institutional tunnel vision on isolated 'single-molecule phenomena' causing the study of phytochemistry to diverge into an increasingly complex chemical field, leaving the study of holistic and natural synthesis of fresh herbal medicine lost to an unrecorded history of ethnobotanical usage dating back millions of years, locked into the cultural traditions of non-materialist societies.
Secondly, fresh herbs carry a significantly higher concentration of water and water-soluble compounds than in dried herbs. Water and the water soluble compounds in plants are crucially important for the delivery of our plant medicine cohesively into the body. After all, water is the universal solvent of al life. The water portion of our extract retains many amphiphilic (partially water soluble) macro-molecules like sugars, proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides. Many of these partially water soluble compounds are of the utmost importance in the healing, restoration, and modulation of the immune system.
These amphiphilic macromolecules (lipids and proteins only present in fresh material) spontaneously form nanoparticle sized micro-emulsions when tinctured. At certain concentration thresholds, the micro emulsions forms micelles (see pic below).
In many cases, lipid micelles and nanoparticles are effective drug delivery systems that can increase bioavailability - just look at the mRNA Corona Virus 19 vaccine - by encasing the mRNA in a lipid nanoparticle, the mRNA is protected from degradation and is more bioavailable. This technology just likely saved millions of lives!
This is important to note because bioavailability and medicinal action of certain species are affected by the presence or absence of these macromolecules. Thanks to the water/alcohol ratio’d solvent used in the first stages of spagyric extraction, we find that the 'amphiphilic' (partially water soluble) compounds and the 'lipophilic' non-water soluble portion form bonds with each other and become suspended in the alcoholic solution in a crystalline network that comprises the chemical architecture of the newly synthesized botanical compounds, notably the Spirt and Soul, or Alcohols and Oils.
Now there has been no literature to date proving this in the spagyric tincture due to a lack of experimental research. There has only ever been one assessment of a spagyric tincture and it is clear the scientists conducting the experiment knew nothing of spagyrics. They looked at the wrong thing in the wrong places at the wrong plant and tried to make conclusive analysis’ based on a totally faulty spagyric preparation (23)
However this pharmacopeia is attempting to provide the research to identify the common underlying bio-pharmaceutical factors of spagyric medicine.
this will allow us to make a more accurate determination of the chemical nature of spagyric medicine. If chemical theory can be followed, then it would make perfect rationale that aggregates of micelles form micro emulsions that that can greatly increase the effectiveness of the medicines delivery to the immune system. If this can be analytically determined, then spagyria could potentially yield a whole new field of alternative medicine and application with potentiality paradigm changing results.
These newly formed compounds act as 'surfactants' (compounds which reduce surface tension) in the form of chemical structures that are starkly reminiscent of cellular like organelle, specifically the cell wall. This medicinal botanical solution now contains, upon dissolution of the oils into the alcohol, aggregates of compounds referred to as 'micelles', which ultimately reduce the 'surface tension' of the tincture (micelles and the phospholipid bilayer are similar to soap-like compounds in texture) which renders the tincture far more available to the body's cells.
This spagyric extraction process is a natural concrescence of active constituents out of a single plant source, to merge what was once many things, into one holistic thing. This one holistic thing occurs during the formation of novel phytocompounds as a singular new compound derived from the esterification of the organic acids which are stabilized in the alcohol acting as a co-surfactant, thus composing the 'tincture’.
This 'tincture' now carries a slightly acidic pH, which makes it slightly difficult for the body to absorb, as the blood retains a slightly alkaline delicicately balanced 7.4 pH.
So, while therapeutic consitituents are available, the tinctures free radicles in the acidic ethanol are introduced to the body which actively rob the biology of energetic potential as an oxidizing agent. The spagyric further enhances effectiveness by naturally negating this energetic imbalance via the salts still contained within the plants anatomy. These essential constituents provide ionic bonds uniting the salts with the oils providing antioxidizing qualities, nutritional value, alkalizing properities, and the exacerbating the effect of the micelles formed by the Spirit and Soul, bringing the plant medicines full intelligent expression into a more complete state of development. These ionic constituents are known as carboxylic acid salts or carboxylates for short. These carboxylate salts have a prolific usage in the modern pharmaceutical world as some of the safest most non-intrusive effective medications available, also known as prodrugs (24).
A Spagyric can also be considered a "xenobiological extract" (4) A novel or alien biological compound not found in nature, yet derived entirely from nature by the manipulation of biological devices and systems.
Mother Nature has been using xenobiological methods as an integral part of evolutionary development for billions of years. The products of evolution are xenobiological organisms. Whenever a new species is introduced, it is a result of the novel interaction between a pre-existing species, to create a new one previously unknown, purely through natural biological modalities (i.e. sex, endosymbiosis, environmental pressures, random or intentional genetic alteration). These unique interactions create the plant's diverse biological activities which chemist, doctors, scientists and explorers are so highly interested in.
A Spagyricist in particular is specifically interested in the “natural enhancement" of the entirety of the biological active constituents of a medicinal plant more so than in the purification and consumption of single individual active compounds or partial extracts (as contemporary medicine tends to focus on).
Ultimately the quality of plant medicines is dependent upon the wholeness of plant material retained and subsequently chemically activated through alchemical unification. This was stated by the European (and other) Pharmacopeias, which define the 'active substance' of herbal medicine as the whole herb material, not just one of more compounds (4).
A plant spagyric is a holistic plant medicine in which an organically grown and freshly harvested plant undergoes several stages of natural purification and self-integration in order to activate its biologically-active and sympathetic virtues.
These virtues are encrypted in specialized chemical and energetic signatures scribed by mother nature herself. For every aspect of the plant, Spirit, Body, and Soul, there are different medicinal qualities that can be discussed. Different forms of data that can be processed. But it is only through the inclusion and purification of all three quintessential components, within one ultimate substance, can you truly chemically and alchemically activate the virtues of the plant medicine.
The activated spagyric elixir is retained as an energetically stable homogenous solution in a crystalline colloidal suspension of the collected plant metabolites. This includes the secondary specialized phytocompounds that are naturally produced for unique functions, and the primary fundamental keystone elements required for growth, metabolism, and optimal functioning such as the minerals, amino acids, carbohydrates,
Spagyric medicine provides a plants entire range of naturally occurring medicinal metabolites, which has the power to penetrate the wholeness of the human condition in a safe and effective formula that is incomparable to modern western medicine isolates.
All of the individuated aspects of the plant work together synergistically to synthesize novel phytocompounds in a formula that can be easily metabolized.
This can only be achieved by activating the chemical nature of the plant in a way that renders it bioavailable.
(13) Something that is bioavailable is something that the nervous system can readily metabolize without excess energy input. Bioavailability is also qualtiatevly defined by the presence or abscence of side effects and the required dosages to feel the intended affects.
Chemically speaking bioavailability can be very generally defined by Lipinsky’s Rule of 5. These are Pfizers rules for what makes a compound orally bioavailable, and with all rules, there are many exceptions.
A bioavailable substance is a chemically stable substance that the body can readily absorb. This is what separates holistic medicine from not so holistic medicine.
Not so holistic medicine spends a lot of time money and resources on figuring out ways to ‘trick’ your immune system into absorbing compounds by sneaking them past the various bodily defense systems. You will see that through rendering medicinal phytocompounds spagyrically, the body readily accepts the medicine not only because it satisfies more of Lipinsky’s rules than standard tinctures, but because these are the raw compounds that your body needs to survive and is desperately seeking every day, plus some extra fancy ones for the purpose of evolution, which is what the soul truly craves.
What makes the Spagyric extract more efficacious and more bioavailable than generic extracts is a chemical holism that occurs within the internal integrity of the chemical structure of the Spagyric.
The spagyric technique employs the use of acid-base chemistry to create novel phytocompounds through a special reactionary pathway known as “saponification”, or it could also be considered “salification”. Salifiction is to treat, mix, or combine with salt. However this isnt your everyday table salt. The salts in the spagyric are purely botanically derived.
In land based plants, the predominant salt is Potassium Carbonate, also known as Potash. Predominance means ~95%. Potassium Carbonate is one of the most important electrolytes in the body for plants and animals (1). The potassium aspect of this salt is really the biologically pertinent material here. When the Spagyric undergoes its transmogrification and ultimate re-unification, some of the potash actually breaks down into separate ions of carbonate and potassium. This is essentially the same mechanism of electrolytes in the body. When an electrolyte is dropped into water (or consumed into your own metabolic waters), its molecules disassociate and form charged particles from the disassociation. These substances can in turn help regulate chemical reactions such as enzymatic co-factors, maintain the balance between fluids inside and outside of the cell, as well as act as cleaving agents for free radicals within the body, among other roles. It is the interactions between the naturally occurring specialized phytocompounds and the plants primary mineral salts which create the novel spagyric chemistry we are so interested in.
Between the interactions of the entourage of minerals and the entourage of phytocompounds, we can produce an infinitely revolving array of phytocompounds which harmonically house every unique aspect of the plant in a highly therapeutic form.
But what about the other 5 % of salts? They’re important too, right? Yes, of course they are. Just because there is more of one thing than there is of another, does not mean that they are less or more important. That is western brainwashing. In fact, deficiencies in the trace minerals can lead to severely debilitating diseases and genetic disasters that have been prevalent in society for quite some time. These deficiencies often lead to seemingly unrelated symptoms which western medicine then hyper fixates on, so that the symptoms might be chemically remedied with some pills, opposed to addressing the source of wellbeing and adjusting your way of living to assure life-long wellness longevity and vitality.
We will now look more closely at the individual aspects of the spagyric components and then the chemical reactions involved in the unification and how this molecular structure relates to many of big pharmas most advanced and efficacious medicines to date (21)
(3) In the process of extraction, the initial step is to separate the soul. The soul, as previously stated, is the entourage of naturally occurring biological fluids that carry the unique chemical and energetic signatures that are genetically expressed by the specific specimen.
These fluids, more specifically, are constituted of a plants “secondary metabolites”. Metabolites is a fancy word for the chemical constituency of an organism. Plants have primary and secondary metabolites. Primary metabolites are compounds and elements that a plant cannot live without. Minerals, carbohydrates, amino acids, sugars, hormones etc. Things without which the plant cannot perform basic functions like photosynthesis, meiosis and mitosis, the citric acid cycle, or in laymen’s terms, grow and metabolize optimally.
Secondary metabolites on the other hand are specialized metabolites derived from primary metabolites and their biological pathways of synthesis. There are numerous ways to define and classify them. Some classes of specialized metabolites are alkaloids, terpenoids, phenolics, glycosinolates etc. These metabolites are created under environmental and ecological pressures, as defense mechanisms, as pollination attractors, as a diverse range of evolutionary tools developed out of the need to thrive and evolve in the physical (and non-physical) world.
The definitions of classes of specialized metabolites could truly go on for ever until we are done discovering molecules. In short though, Specialized metabolites appearance in plants is even more transient than we previously imagined. Secondary metabolites are equally as much a reflection of the plants innate capacity for self expression and evolution, just as much as they are a reflection of the totality of the plants environment.
Soil composition is paramount, light vs dark intervals is paramount, humidity, rainfall, altitude, local ecology and surrounding biodiversity, literally all of the external growing conditions can alter the presence, form, and functions of specialized metabolites.
Further... plants have an actual metaphysical soul with strong personalities. Some plants simply like to be in dry places, rocky places, loud places, open places, around certain animals, microbes, and other plants, each one literally has its own personality, its unique attractions, this is what the soul is.
The specialized metabolic functions are as much an expression of the plant as they are of the environment it is cultivated. And when an environment changes, so to do the internal components of the flora and fauna. The quality of both must be taken into account when growing plant medicines. Fun fact, this isnt just unique to plants. The relationship between environmental quality and contextual dependency has direct effects on gene expression and protein coding. When you put yourself into new situations with new places and new people to experience new experiences, your biology literally evolves new genes on the spot to make new enzymes, to express new physical and metaphysical traits that are more equipped to adapt to your new life experience. Similarly, subject a plant to unnatural circumstances like isolating it outside of its natural environment, and its internal components will have reciprocal internal changes and mutate to form new phytocompounds, new alternative secondary metabolites, and ultimately when this occurs enough times for long enough, and changes are maintained throughout generations, new species are created.
At any rate,
Much of these biological fluids and specialized metabolites are found in the essential oil of the plant. The metabolites contain volatile compounds, most notably (but not limited to) essential oils composed of terpenes, phenolics, oxygenated compounds, and aromatic hydrocarbons that carry carboxylic acid derivatives with all manner of organic functional groups like ketones, esters, ethers etc all of which are biologically active and are highly studied for their therapeutic, medicinal, and beneficial pharmacology. Carbonyl chemistry, or the Carbon-Oxygen double-bond, is of utmost significance in medicinal chemistry.
The Soul, or the Specialized Metabolites are separated from the plant through any number of ways. Steam distillation, cold or hot maceration, soxhlet extraction, or as paracelsus said in the Catechism of Alchemy, ideally through a 'perfect sublimation’, however that might occur…
The overarching goal chemically speaking, is to retain the entirety of secondary metabolites from a single source for the sake of their interactive synergetic behavior.
Through the catalytic actions of an additional magical ingredient in the second step, Life, unicellular fungi in the form of yeast, subjects the herb to fermentation to further release the plants energetic bonds into a more directly bioavailable and rarefied form, alcohol.
The alcohols distilled from the fermented plant matter contain the universal essence of plants and serves as the solution that the final soul and body will be unified within. It is said that alcohol is a solvent made by plants for plants.
Paracelsus said “Whether wine is a nourishment, medicine or poison is a matter of dosage.
I might add quality and intention to that list.
Sugar is the universal energy of plant life. Every plant contains sugar, and every plants sugars can be broken down to be fermented by the microscopic miracle workers known as yeasts. Upon distillation, the alcohols, or spirits can be released from the decomposing plant body.
The alcohol serves as the base of our extract and is chemically necessary for the activation between the salt and soul to occur. Mother nature made no coincidence in her foundational organizational skills.
Finally the fermented plant matter is sent to the crucible to be reduced to its irreducible self. Life has many immortal aspects to it. One immortal aspect of man and plant is the occurrence of minerals in the biology of animal bodies. Minerals which we have graciously borrowed from the Earth itself. Minerals are born from the core of Earth, in magma of the molten core, and spewed into the oceans to create heat and islands for the first life forms to be hosted. Mineral rich deep sea hydrothermal vents are the source of the first physical life on earth. And when these vents began erupting and superheated magma was supercooled under the sea, we began to see islands form.
When life began to evolve in the sea and ontop of these islands, life was dependent on these Earth minerals. We turn them into nutrients, amino acids, enzyme cofactors, and ultimately they affect global gene regulation. As mentioned in the Soul above, minerals are Primary Plant Metabolites. Without the minerals, plants can not perform basic functions. Without minerals, soil it self cannot host the microbial life that are truly the keystone life forms on this planet. Minerals are absolutely fundamental to all life on the planet and the continued sustainment of the environment. I highly recommend reading 'Minerals for the Genetic Code by Charles Walters - making food your medicine’ to understand how to truly make feasting a wellness or even medicinal routine, instead of a route for escapism.
However, in terms of how it is used in the final spagyric, the mineral profile of plants can be revealed from prolonged calcination. This allows us to retain the naturally occurring minerals within the final spagyric tincture. This is typically neglected in standard medicines, and as we shall see, even in the majority of the industrial grocery complexes serving processed foods in the world are severely lacking in mineral content. This is why naturally grown and organically harvested, preferably wild-harvested medicinal plants, have such high value and novel traits of which we can innovate medicine off of.
Now we have our most critical aspect to this whole process. Traditionally, unification is timed to precise astronomical alignments which fall in resonance with the personality of the plant species, but for this section we are only focusing on what occurs chemically during the synthesis.
Now that we have our separated Oils, Salts, and Alcohol (Soul, Body, Spirit) we begin the task of unification. Which is quite simple actually. Simply add the oils to the alcohol, then add the salts, then let time take care of the rest.
Chemically speaking, when a salt, an oil, and alcohol (with a limited amount of water within it) are combined together, a very curious and useful chemical environment is generated. Typically, an oil and water are insoluble. This means there is no chemical reaction and the molecules stay separated in two qualitatively different liquid layers (and you definitely do not want to be ingesting raw oils orally… oils in our diet is another cause of sever dis~ease (20). An alcohol with a low ethanol percentage similarly will not allow the full dissolution of typically "water-hating" oils into the alcohol, stunting the creation of a fully expressed plant medicine.
When the alcoholic percentage is high enough, the typically non-water soluble oils are allowed to reach a state of dissolution within the alcohol. Some fun organic chemistry occurs forming new bonds between two typically non-bonding liquids (comprised of many molecules) which allows the medicinal constituents in the oils, to become biologically available and readily absorbed by the blood.
This reaction is known as esterification. When an oil and an alcohol combine, the resulting product is a new compound that is a synthesis of the alcoholic essence and the carboxylic acid substrate.
Esterification Reaction
The carboxylic acid represents our raw medicinal phytocompounds derived from the soul during the essential oil extraction. Esters, as noted in the Soul section above, have far more biological activity than acids and have been used to enhance DNA transcription and metabolic ketosis for quite some time (22). However, the esterified phytocompound is a penultimate product of our spagyric tincture.
What occurs next is the salification mentioned earlier, or formally, saponification. The unique profile of mineral salts extracted through calcination and purified through crystallization, are introduced to the ‘tincture’ containing the now dissolved oils in the form of esters suspended in alcohol solution. What happens next is the activation of the plant medicine to the final spagyric xenobiologic product, the carboxylate salt.
Carboxylate salts have been synthesized and used extensively by big pharma for decades at this point. The first ever carboxylate salt to be FDA approved and administered was Hydrocodone tartrate. A powerful opiate, analgesic, and cough suppressant. The key signature of a carboxylate salt is the present of a counter ion ionically bound to an acetate (this is the strongest known chemical bond) to create a balance of charge so powerful it becomes an electrical conductor.
Saponification Reaction:
The Salts are the catalytic potentiating aspect of the Spagyric that allows a number of desirable reactions to occur. This includes alkalization of the final solution which significantly contributes to bioavailability by taking what was once polar and incapable of crossing cellular membranes, and converting it to a non-polar, dehydrogenated, carboxylate salt that can be naturally metabolized through the cellular membranes.
Carboxylates are formed from the reaction of an Ester with a Salt while in the presence of alcohol and water. the formation of carboxylates and chelated minerals provide anti-oxidizing actions to the spagyric, as well as the ultimate formation of micellear / collodial compounds referred to as ‘micro-emulsions' which make further contributions to the bioavailability (such as lowerd required dosage, decreased side effects, potency of intended effects) and a more complete expression of the medicinal actions of the plant (2).
The salt catalysis greatly enhances the Power of Hydrogen in the tincture, or pH, to a more stable and absorbable form. A generic tincture, while providing a broad spectrum of medicinal compounds, unfortunately introduces them to the metabolism with an acidic nature that brings free radicals and destabilizes the delicate pH of the blood, stealing negentropic energy from the body, contributing to the entropy, ultiamtely reducing bioavailibilty and efficacy of the extract.
These alkali Mineral Salts also are what provides the grounds for the microemulsions in the form of a collodial suspension to form. Fortunatley for us, there is an easy way to test for the presence of this chemical balance. This test is known as the Tyndall effect. When passing a laser beam through the solution, the colloids will disperse the light, whereas in a generic tincture, the light stays consolidated and passes through the solution with ease. Further we can test for the power of Hydrogen, as previously mentioned, the pH of Spagyrics is significantly higher than the pH of generic tinctures. The presence of colloidal suspensions ensures us that a more complete chemical profile has been retained, and that the negentropy of the elixir is retained in a more homeostatic, or chemically balanced form.
The body has these many barriers and metabolic systems such as the blood brain barrier and first pass digestion, presystemic metabolism, among many others, which selectively and intuitively metabolize chemical compounds for biological purposes (4). Metabolis is a multitude of biochemical process that occur when you consume matter and information and you pass it through all of your organs and your body must break down the organic matter / information in a way that reveals and renders the bioavailable, biologically usable aspect of such matter/information before your nervous system can render it systemically available and circulate it through the more intimate regions of anatomy, like your brain, heart, and netherregions and literally your whole body. These are the same compounds we have purified from the plant in the lab, yet through naturally endowed mechanisms. Spagyria is an attempt at mimicking these natural mechanisms: distillation; comes from the water cycle and mimmicks natural systems, fermentation; is found all throughout healthy ecologies, fire and heat; are at the source of life and decay. Life begetting intelligence comes from nature and the spagyricist starts with nature and lIfe in its wisdom as the blueprint for making spagyrically activated plant medicines. The plant must be spagyrically activated otherwise most plants cannot undergoe efficient metabolis. For the same reason we smoke cannabis instead of eating it, or extract salicyilc acid from willow tree bark, instead of eating. In order for a medicine to be medicine, if must be made into a consumable format first and formeost. Otherwise you are playing a dangerous game consuming raw earth materials.
(12) One of the largest challenges in spagyria, arguably all of natural medicine making, is figuring out how to assure the complete dissoluiton of all of the biologically active compounds into one homogenous solution, to catalyze a perfect seperation of the inanimate from the animate components of the plant. In many instances, notably mushroom extractions and other multiply extracted botanicals, many of these more water soluble compounds precipitate out of the extract when the water and alcohol is combined. Solving the chemical equation that allows us to retain them in the solution would allow us to create much more highly effective natural medicines. It is of this Spagyrcist opinion it is more likely that a different form of solvent than the typical approach of ethanol/water/ethyl acetate will allow a more thorough and wholesome extraction yield. Regardless, these salts seperated and purified still retain their medicinal bioavailable potency, though not nearly as much as expected from a homogenous holistic solution.
(1) https://opentextbc.ca/anatomyandphysiology/chapter/26-3-electrolyte-balance/
(2) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17425247.2019.1553954
(3) Advances in Pharmacological Activities of Terpenoids
(4) https://www.rutlandbio.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/plants-colloids-tinctures.pdf
(5) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5549281/#SD1
^^^Decarboxylation Study of Acidic Cannabinoids: A Novel Approach Using Ultra-High-Performance Supercritical Fluid Chromatography/Photodiode Array-Mass Spectrometry
(9) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4740396/
cannabis sative a plant of a thousand and 1 molecules
(10) evolved alchemy spagyric chemical equation
(11) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0169409X17300972
(12) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0898140X15364545?via%3Dihub&fbclid=IwAR2ttdVXMkE3J4u0s5w6Ely-I_NwR5BQmC_ON-6jcfxg_GP9SXccLoqng2s
(13) https://www.sarvaasuperfood.com/superfood-blog/the-truth-about-cbd-the-science-of-spagyric-organic-extraction/
(14) Williamson, E., 2001. Synergy and other interactions in phytomedicines.
Phytomedicine 8(5), 401-409
(15) Schrödinger, E., 1944. What is Life? – the Physical Aspect of the Living Cell.
Cambridge University Press
(16) list of spagyricists who offer full spectrum extracts
(17) https://nycim.com/spagyric-medicine/
(20) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41387-020-0108-7
(21) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34302256/
(22) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24714648/
(23) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31212908/
(24) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34302256/