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5 highly studied therapeutic and medicinal plants prolifically used for their caffeine content.
These plant medicines were selected based on their naturally occurring varying levels of caffeine.
The species are listed from strongest to weakest caffeine concentrations
1. Ilex Guayusa
2. Kola acuminata
3. Green Coffee Beans - Ethipoiean Yerggacheffe
4. Ilex paraguariensis - Yerba Mate
5. Theobroma Cacao
General Info
Ranking at number one in the collection for caffeine intensity, guayusa is one of four known caffeinated Holly species, and is presently believed to be the worlds richest source of naturally occurring caffeine (Although only 15% of plants are believed to have been taxonomically identified). Amazonian Javara Indians would traditionally employee an emetic practice so as not to overdose on the species in their morning caffeine ceremonies. However this tincture was calibrated so as not to cause noxious caffeine inebriation. This extract is best taken as a caffeine shot with 5 to 20 dropsa directly under the tongue and hold her for one minute, or as a adjunct in any beverage, especially water and wine.
Double extracted in a soxhlet apparatus with water and alcohol in that order and ultimately recombined to roughly 25% alcohol. MInerals were extracted and combined to tincture evolving spagyric.
Continuous batch dual extraction of Kola acuminate - Kola nuts. First water and then alcohol to retain as many of them therapeutic qualities as possible. The original “cola” ingredient in Coca Cola. It’s a natural and potent source of caffeine, beneficial to the micro biome, and used as a common stimulant across many tropical regions where it naturally grows. Diverse in Nitrogenous compounds (which probably also contribute to the aphrodisiac quality but research is still very limited), caffeine is the most abundant secondary metabolite, with theobromine 2nd, kolatin and xanthide alkaloids making up other significant phytochemistry. Even more impressive, it also carry’s natural anti cancer activity and is chemo protective. Overall it is a natural energy booster which can be a good addition to the caffeine portfolio with very little side effects. All things in balance though. Leave the coca, keep the kola. Consume with intention☝️
General Info
One modicum factoid of plant medicine is that, typically, the widest range of therapeutic activity and highest quality medicines come from freshly harvested as close to living plants as possible. This is partly why I chose to use green coffee beans opposed to roasted ones. Green coffee retains super highly packed with anti oxidants, anti inflammatory compounds that are effects from the abundant chlorogenic acids, most of which are lost in the roasting process. Studies in mice showed green coffees ability to reduce total body weight and fat accumulation significantly especially around the waist, but regular long term usage was also correlated with negatively affecting bone health.
Extraction: Double extracted in a soxhlet apparatus with water and alcohol in that order and ultimately recombined to roughly 25% alcohol. MInerals were extracted and combined to tincture evolving spagyric.
Soxhlet extracted with 50% ABV in a 2:6 w:v ratio. Extract contains minerals, nutrients, balanced phyto compounds. Yerba Maté contains hairsplittingly similar chemical composition to Green tea, but it’s anti-oxidizing power is even greater. Thus it was chosen as fourth member of the alternative caffeine plant medicine collection. May improve weight loss, enhance focus and mood, and provide anti inflammatory effects.
Cacao enhances cerebral flow, provides neuroprotective, neurogenerative, and synaptogenic effects enhancing cognitive functioning in adults and children (4). Theobromine is another stimulant that provides effects like caffeine but with less intensity and side affects. Its physical structure is close to that of caffeine but its physological actions are slightly different, pictured below with the only chemical difference being the extension of a methyl group opposed to a single hydrogen. Theobromine, whos etymology actually derives from latin meaning "God Food", considering it is the main ingredient of chocolate (there is no actual elemental Bromine in cacao), was consumed by royals and the ruling class alone in ancient societies and has been defined scientifically as a cardiovascular protector molecule enhancing blood flow and heart function. Cacao also carries an endogenous cannabinoid called anandamine, which occurs both within the body and within cannabis, which exerts modulatory affects on brain reward circuitry enhancing the overall cognitive affects.
Two samples were prepared. One fresh sample and one sample as processed and roasted seeds. Roasted seeds were dual extracted using ~95% ABV ethanol and DI water in a soxhlet apparatus.
Seeds were calcined for ten plus hours before cohobation. Solvent scheme was determined based on work of Zhong, Jilaung from the Journal of Chemical Engineering (1).
Caffeine and theobromine were the main targets of this extraction, thus water was used first and subsequently ethanol. The dual extract was combined to a 25% final abv based on the concept of following the natural occuring ratios of active compounds with their ideal solvents. Ethanol : Caffeine and Water : Theobromine as indicated in the table below at about a 1:4 ratio of theobromine to caffeine.
5 highly studied therapeutic and medicinal plants prolifically used for their caffeine content.
These plant medicines were selected based on their naturally occurring varying levels of caffeine.
The species are listed from strongest to weakest caffeine concentrations
1. Ilex Guayusa
2. Kola acuminata
3. Green Coffee Beans - Ethipoiean Yerggacheffe
4. Ilex paraguariensis - Yerba Mate
5. Theobroma Cacao
General Info
Ranking at number one in the collection for caffeine intensity, guayusa is one of four known caffeinated Holly species, and is presently believed to be the worlds richest source of naturally occurring caffeine (Although only 15% of plants are believed to have been taxonomically identified). Amazonian Javara Indians would traditionally employee an emetic practice so as not to overdose on the species in their morning caffeine ceremonies. However this tincture was calibrated so as not to cause noxious caffeine inebriation. This extract is best taken as a caffeine shot with 5 to 20 dropsa directly under the tongue and hold her for one minute, or as a adjunct in any beverage, especially water and wine.
Double extracted in a soxhlet apparatus with water and alcohol in that order and ultimately recombined to roughly 25% alcohol. MInerals were extracted and combined to tincture evolving spagyric.
Continuous batch dual extraction of Kola acuminate - Kola nuts. First water and then alcohol to retain as many of them therapeutic qualities as possible. The original “cola” ingredient in Coca Cola. It’s a natural and potent source of caffeine, beneficial to the micro biome, and used as a common stimulant across many tropical regions where it naturally grows. Diverse in Nitrogenous compounds (which probably also contribute to the aphrodisiac quality but research is still very limited), caffeine is the most abundant secondary metabolite, with theobromine 2nd, kolatin and xanthide alkaloids making up other significant phytochemistry. Even more impressive, it also carry’s natural anti cancer activity and is chemo protective. Overall it is a natural energy booster which can be a good addition to the caffeine portfolio with very little side effects. All things in balance though. Leave the coca, keep the kola. Consume with intention☝️
General Info
One modicum factoid of plant medicine is that, typically, the widest range of therapeutic activity and highest quality medicines come from freshly harvested as close to living plants as possible. This is partly why I chose to use green coffee beans opposed to roasted ones. Green coffee retains super highly packed with anti oxidants, anti inflammatory compounds that are effects from the abundant chlorogenic acids, most of which are lost in the roasting process. Studies in mice showed green coffees ability to reduce total body weight and fat accumulation significantly especially around the waist, but regular long term usage was also correlated with negatively affecting bone health.
Extraction: Double extracted in a soxhlet apparatus with water and alcohol in that order and ultimately recombined to roughly 25% alcohol. MInerals were extracted and combined to tincture evolving spagyric.
Soxhlet extracted with 50% ABV in a 2:6 w:v ratio. Extract contains minerals, nutrients, balanced phyto compounds. Yerba Maté contains hairsplittingly similar chemical composition to Green tea, but it’s anti-oxidizing power is even greater. Thus it was chosen as fourth member of the alternative caffeine plant medicine collection. May improve weight loss, enhance focus and mood, and provide anti inflammatory effects.
Cacao enhances cerebral flow, provides neuroprotective, neurogenerative, and synaptogenic effects enhancing cognitive functioning in adults and children (4). Theobromine is another stimulant that provides effects like caffeine but with less intensity and side affects. Its physical structure is close to that of caffeine but its physological actions are slightly different, pictured below with the only chemical difference being the extension of a methyl group opposed to a single hydrogen. Theobromine, whos etymology actually derives from latin meaning "God Food", considering it is the main ingredient of chocolate (there is no actual elemental Bromine in cacao), was consumed by royals and the ruling class alone in ancient societies and has been defined scientifically as a cardiovascular protector molecule enhancing blood flow and heart function. Cacao also carries an endogenous cannabinoid called anandamine, which occurs both within the body and within cannabis, which exerts modulatory affects on brain reward circuitry enhancing the overall cognitive affects.
Two samples were prepared. One fresh sample and one sample as processed and roasted seeds. Roasted seeds were dual extracted using ~95% ABV ethanol and DI water in a soxhlet apparatus.
Seeds were calcined for ten plus hours before cohobation. Solvent scheme was determined based on work of Zhong, Jilaung from the Journal of Chemical Engineering (1).
Caffeine and theobromine were the main targets of this extraction, thus water was used first and subsequently ethanol. The dual extract was combined to a 25% final abv based on the concept of following the natural occuring ratios of active compounds with their ideal solvents. Ethanol : Caffeine and Water : Theobromine as indicated in the table below at about a 1:4 ratio of theobromine to caffeine.