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Wild harvested from the shores of lake Superior in Marquette MI. Monarda fistulosa is a hermaphroditic perennial herb in the mint family. It carries thymol (the same active constituent in Thyme) which holds strong anti-septic actions in the chest. With a strong volatile content, it is primarily used for digestive, gastric, and upper respiratory imbalances blanketing a wide variety of problems including nausea, backache, fluid retention, chills and headaches. It encourages cooling via sweating, and strongly stimulates menstruation. Do not take during pregnancy. Spagyric Synthesis Notes: Three samples of wild harvested Bee Balm were evolved via three different routes. 1. Crude Spagyric maceration of fresh Bee Balm in 60% cane spirits 1:5 ratio for 30 days with daily mixing. Crystalline salts cohobated for 24 hours. 2. Freshly harvested Bee Balm was soxhlet extracted and united with crytalline salts. 3. Fresh material was extracted of essential oils, alocohols distilled, and salts extracted, cohobated and unified under the governance of Mercury.
Wild harvested from the shores of lake Superior in Marquette MI. Monarda fistulosa is a hermaphroditic perennial herb in the mint family. It carries thymol (the same active constituent in Thyme) which holds strong anti-septic actions in the chest. With a strong volatile content, it is primarily used for digestive, gastric, and upper respiratory imbalances blanketing a wide variety of problems including nausea, backache, fluid retention, chills and headaches. It encourages cooling via sweating, and strongly stimulates menstruation. Do not take during pregnancy. Spagyric Synthesis Notes: Three samples of wild harvested Bee Balm were evolved via three different routes. 1. Crude Spagyric maceration of fresh Bee Balm in 60% cane spirits 1:5 ratio for 30 days with daily mixing. Crystalline salts cohobated for 24 hours. 2. Freshly harvested Bee Balm was soxhlet extracted and united with crytalline salts. 3. Fresh material was extracted of essential oils, alocohols distilled, and salts extracted, cohobated and unified under the governance of Mercury.