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Black Cohosh was traditionally used by the Native Americans for womens complaints such as painful periods and problems associated with menopause. It also benefits Rheumatoid Arthritis and nerve conditions like tinnitus (when it is associated with menopause). Many clinical trials have been run verifying the claims of use for menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes. A widely used remedy is a combination of Saint Johns Wort and Black Cohosh and has been shown as an effective combination for such cases. It is suggested Black Cohosh slows and prevents the development of osteoporosis and PCOS, a hormonal deficiency. It does not contain estrogen, but it has an estrogenic action within the body due to specific effects within the brain. Always consult your doctor before mixing herbal medicine with pharmaceutical medication.
Black Cohosh was traditionally used by the Native Americans for womens complaints such as painful periods and problems associated with menopause. It also benefits Rheumatoid Arthritis and nerve conditions like tinnitus (when it is associated with menopause). Many clinical trials have been run verifying the claims of use for menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes. A widely used remedy is a combination of Saint Johns Wort and Black Cohosh and has been shown as an effective combination for such cases. It is suggested Black Cohosh slows and prevents the development of osteoporosis and PCOS, a hormonal deficiency. It does not contain estrogen, but it has an estrogenic action within the body due to specific effects within the brain. Always consult your doctor before mixing herbal medicine with pharmaceutical medication.