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Extraction notes:
Continuous batch dual extraction of Kola acuminate - Kola nuts. First water and then alcohol to retain as many of them therapeutic qualities as possible. The original “cola” ingredient in Coca Cola. It’s a natural and potent source of caffeine, beneficial to the micro biome, and used as a common stimulant across many tropical regions where it naturally grows. Diverse in Nitrogenous compounds (which probably also contribute to the aphrodisiac quality but research is still very limited), caffeine is the most abundant secondary metabolite, with theobromine 2nd, kolatin and xanthide alkaloids making up other significant phytochemistry. Even more impressive, it also carry’s natural anti cancer activity and is chemo protective. Overall it is a natural energy booster which can be a good addition to the caffeine portfolio with very little side effects. All things in balance though. Leave the coca, keep the kola. Consume with intention☝️
Extraction notes:
continuous batch dual extraction of Kola acuminate - Kola nuts. First water and then alcohol to retain as many of them therapeutic qualities as possible. The original “cola” ingredient in Coca Cola. It’s a natural and potent source of caffeine, beneficial to the micro biome, and used as a common stimulant across many tropical regions where it naturally grows. Diverse in Nitrogenous compounds (which probably also contribute to the aphrodisiac quality but research is still very limited), caffeine is the most abundant secondary metabolite, with theobromine 2nd, kolatin and xanthide alkaloids making up other significant phytochemistry. Even more impressive, it also carry’s natural anti cancer activity and is chemo protective. Overall it is a natural energy booster which can be a good addition to the caffeine portfolio with very little side effects. All things in balance though. Leave the coca, keep the kola. Consume with intention☝️
Effects of solvent and liquid-solid ratiols on secondary metabolite extraction of Kola nitida
Extraction notes:
Continuous batch dual extraction of Kola acuminate - Kola nuts. First water and then alcohol to retain as many of them therapeutic qualities as possible. The original “cola” ingredient in Coca Cola. It’s a natural and potent source of caffeine, beneficial to the micro biome, and used as a common stimulant across many tropical regions where it naturally grows. Diverse in Nitrogenous compounds (which probably also contribute to the aphrodisiac quality but research is still very limited), caffeine is the most abundant secondary metabolite, with theobromine 2nd, kolatin and xanthide alkaloids making up other significant phytochemistry. Even more impressive, it also carry’s natural anti cancer activity and is chemo protective. Overall it is a natural energy booster which can be a good addition to the caffeine portfolio with very little side effects. All things in balance though. Leave the coca, keep the kola. Consume with intention☝️
Extraction notes:
continuous batch dual extraction of Kola acuminate - Kola nuts. First water and then alcohol to retain as many of them therapeutic qualities as possible. The original “cola” ingredient in Coca Cola. It’s a natural and potent source of caffeine, beneficial to the micro biome, and used as a common stimulant across many tropical regions where it naturally grows. Diverse in Nitrogenous compounds (which probably also contribute to the aphrodisiac quality but research is still very limited), caffeine is the most abundant secondary metabolite, with theobromine 2nd, kolatin and xanthide alkaloids making up other significant phytochemistry. Even more impressive, it also carry’s natural anti cancer activity and is chemo protective. Overall it is a natural energy booster which can be a good addition to the caffeine portfolio with very little side effects. All things in balance though. Leave the coca, keep the kola. Consume with intention☝️
Effects of solvent and liquid-solid ratiols on secondary metabolite extraction of Kola nitida