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Please read the in depth blog on Kratom, plant based pain managment, natural healing, and opioid use before using Kratom plant medicine or any potentially habit forming substances. Please read my instructions on how to properly use spagyric plant medicine in a manner that compliments the bodies natural ability to heal before using spagyric plant medicine.
(30g kratom/oz spagyric)
This is a totally water-based full-spectrum Kratom extract containing the complete range of essential minerals AND the highly medicinal opioid chemical profile that Kratom is most widely used for. Using advanced water chemistry techniques we have a far more complete spectrum of the Kratom alkaloids, which include the most abundant Mitragynine, 7-Hydroxymitragynine (indoles), Morphine, Speciofoline (oxindole), and many others.
(6g kratom/oz spagyric)
This is an alcohol based full-spectrum Kratom extract containing an entourage of essential minerals AND the highly medicinal opioid chemical profile that Kratom is most widely used for. Using advanced alchemical extraction methodology, a full-spectrum extract was produced containing the essence of kratom phytochemically and nutritionally.
The collected presence of the total compounds of any plant substrate, allows the naturally evolved intelligence of the plant to have a more effective "communication", or, "healing experience", or more actually, "plant teaching". Due to the presence of essential minerals in their solubilized salt form, nutritive value is also derived from this kratom extract (as well as every other spagyric extract, in this pharmacopeia and beyond). Nutrition is the keystone element of health and vitality that is continually either disposing or constructing the immortal bodies and higher mental faculties.
Linus Pauling famously quoted, "Every disease can be traced to a mineral deficiency". Thus spagyrics, supplying mineral content in balanced and bioavailable forms, can be used as a nutritive supplement when practicing Paulings 'orthomolecular therapy'.
In my personal opinion, this is the single most important aspect of spagyric medicine. It is likely the root cause of sickness lies in the culturally instilled dysbiosis of our bodies. What does that last statement mean? Dysbiosis mean's that something that should be working together, is not working together. Two or more incompatible systems attempting to operate in the same place. Typically the term referred to imbalances in the gut microbiota that contribute to sickness of an organism. In our metaphor, these imbalances are due to the simultaneous existence of culture and humanity, culture is the microbiota and you are the human it is living inside of, and causing the imbalance.
This dysbiosis can also be understood via understanding the relationship of the essential elements of life. There are certain things your body needs in order to live, they are called primary metabolites. Primary metabolites are also considered inorganic. Not inorganic in the traditional sense of including or excluding C, N, H, or O, but inorganic means that your body can not produce these elements through its own volition or through genetic disposition. It must get these elements from the environment!
When healing the root cause of sickness, things like minerals, amino acids, and other nutritive elements (watch this for a more in depth explanation of the importance of primary metabolites in your diet) are absolutely critical for your health and well being and your physical and spiritual attainment of immortality.
One must eat for their genetics. When one falls out of sovereignty, and your environment is manipulated, and you shop at grocery industry complexes, one becomes subservient to their prescripted sustenance and nourishment. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you view the establishment, congress has already made note of severely degrading soil and thus food quality variables, in which the industry is putting out nutritive weak foods. This means the food stuffs you buy at the grocery store are simulacrums of real food. They have degrading mineral/nutritive value which will overtime starve anybody who eats it no matter how much they eat. We are watching this situation unfold to a myriad of physical and mental health problems. Most importantly it exacerbates the difficulty in achieving oneness.
Like plants and other genetic organisms however, our body has within it the essential blueprint to completely recreate every aspect of itself in perfection. The reason this doesn't regularly occur is because our culture is sick, those of us who call ourselves healthy, have actually been biologically limited by the actions of the nanny-state culture western materialism and neo-liberal globalist tyrants enforcing the staple of american dysbiosis on its own peoples. Our genetics require a certain depository of organic and inorganic substances before it is able to continually recreate and be immortally self-sustained. This is why we are here. It is important to understand our culture operates on death, and abhors the concept of immortality and attempts to control the idea of it at every opportunity.
This is why its of utmost significance to heal ourselves because at the very same time we do this the worlds tyrants will fall by the wayside and all that is unknown will be revealed. When we choose the eternal life, we disempower those who profit off our misfortune, sickness, and death.
This can only be done by providing the body with a rich and diverse supply of organic and naturally occurring primary metabolites, preferably in the form of food. But considering the recent development of the State exhorted to quasi godly status of which provides highly processed and genetically modified foods, it seems absolutely necessary a medicinal form of mineral nutrition should be amended to any westerners diet. With this amendment we can supply the body with the proper fuels to completely and perfectly recreate every aspect of itself with regularity, and with proper mastery over the four elements, one may perpetuate ones life, infinitely.
Once the issue of primary metabolism can be balanced, the next step is the balance of consciousness. This is why plants make secondary metabolites. They dont need them for themselves (as some scientists may suggest, they are actually made for us to learn how to use to repair our own consciousness. Plant teachers are meant to help one developed unified consciousness which results from a successful meditation into the higher reality. Many plants do this through direct means, such as entheogens which teach you directly of your nature and of nature, however other plants and herbs have different functions which dramatically affect the baseline consciousness as well as. Many of them have naturally occurring compounds which are typically endogenous to the human being. Plants and animals are all the building blocks of humans taken apart and scattered throughout the land. Using these basic building blocks of nature, we can learn to use them to help not only repair the body from its various deficiencies, but balance the mind allowing for a more conducive meditative experience and more direct god-contact.
In this particular medicine, Kratom is a powerful opioid containing pain-relieving plant and only recommended for those suffering from chronic pain. I don't know if you have ever tried meditating while in physical or emotional pain, unless you are Rear Admiral Jeremiah Denton, but it is no easy task. Utilizing the Kratom to find inner balance from physical turmoil is only a temporary use. Treating the root-cause of your illness is the primary motive. That being said, use at your own discretion.
PKA solubility Log P and mitragynine and acidic water
Todd, D. A., Kellogg, J. J., Wallace, E. D., Khin, M., Flores-Bocanegra, L., Tanna, R. S., McIntosh, S., Raja, H. A., Graf, T. N., Hemby, S. E., Paine, M. F., Oberlies, N. H., & Cech, N. B. (2020). Chemical composition and biological effects of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa): In vitro studies with implications for efficacy and drug interactions. Scientific reports, 10(1), 19158. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-76119-w
Please read the in depth blog on Kratom, plant based pain managment, natural healing, and opioid use before using Kratom plant medicine or any potentially habit forming substances. Please read my instructions on how to properly use spagyric plant medicine in a manner that compliments the bodies natural ability to heal before using spagyric plant medicine.
(30g kratom/oz spagyric)
This is a totally water-based full-spectrum Kratom extract containing the complete range of essential minerals AND the highly medicinal opioid chemical profile that Kratom is most widely used for. Using advanced water chemistry techniques we have a far more complete spectrum of the Kratom alkaloids, which include the most abundant Mitragynine, 7-Hydroxymitragynine (indoles), Morphine, Speciofoline (oxindole), and many others.
(6g kratom/oz spagyric)
This is an alcohol based full-spectrum Kratom extract containing an entourage of essential minerals AND the highly medicinal opioid chemical profile that Kratom is most widely used for. Using advanced alchemical extraction methodology, a full-spectrum extract was produced containing the essence of kratom phytochemically and nutritionally.
The collected presence of the total compounds of any plant substrate, allows the naturally evolved intelligence of the plant to have a more effective "communication", or, "healing experience", or more actually, "plant teaching". Due to the presence of essential minerals in their solubilized salt form, nutritive value is also derived from this kratom extract (as well as every other spagyric extract, in this pharmacopeia and beyond). Nutrition is the keystone element of health and vitality that is continually either disposing or constructing the immortal bodies and higher mental faculties.
Linus Pauling famously quoted, "Every disease can be traced to a mineral deficiency". Thus spagyrics, supplying mineral content in balanced and bioavailable forms, can be used as a nutritive supplement when practicing Paulings 'orthomolecular therapy'.
In my personal opinion, this is the single most important aspect of spagyric medicine. It is likely the root cause of sickness lies in the culturally instilled dysbiosis of our bodies. What does that last statement mean? Dysbiosis mean's that something that should be working together, is not working together. Two or more incompatible systems attempting to operate in the same place. Typically the term referred to imbalances in the gut microbiota that contribute to sickness of an organism. In our metaphor, these imbalances are due to the simultaneous existence of culture and humanity, culture is the microbiota and you are the human it is living inside of, and causing the imbalance.
This dysbiosis can also be understood via understanding the relationship of the essential elements of life. There are certain things your body needs in order to live, they are called primary metabolites. Primary metabolites are also considered inorganic. Not inorganic in the traditional sense of including or excluding C, N, H, or O, but inorganic means that your body can not produce these elements through its own volition or through genetic disposition. It must get these elements from the environment!
When healing the root cause of sickness, things like minerals, amino acids, and other nutritive elements (watch this for a more in depth explanation of the importance of primary metabolites in your diet) are absolutely critical for your health and well being and your physical and spiritual attainment of immortality.
One must eat for their genetics. When one falls out of sovereignty, and your environment is manipulated, and you shop at grocery industry complexes, one becomes subservient to their prescripted sustenance and nourishment. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you view the establishment, congress has already made note of severely degrading soil and thus food quality variables, in which the industry is putting out nutritive weak foods. This means the food stuffs you buy at the grocery store are simulacrums of real food. They have degrading mineral/nutritive value which will overtime starve anybody who eats it no matter how much they eat. We are watching this situation unfold to a myriad of physical and mental health problems. Most importantly it exacerbates the difficulty in achieving oneness.
Like plants and other genetic organisms however, our body has within it the essential blueprint to completely recreate every aspect of itself in perfection. The reason this doesn't regularly occur is because our culture is sick, those of us who call ourselves healthy, have actually been biologically limited by the actions of the nanny-state culture western materialism and neo-liberal globalist tyrants enforcing the staple of american dysbiosis on its own peoples. Our genetics require a certain depository of organic and inorganic substances before it is able to continually recreate and be immortally self-sustained. This is why we are here. It is important to understand our culture operates on death, and abhors the concept of immortality and attempts to control the idea of it at every opportunity.
This is why its of utmost significance to heal ourselves because at the very same time we do this the worlds tyrants will fall by the wayside and all that is unknown will be revealed. When we choose the eternal life, we disempower those who profit off our misfortune, sickness, and death.
This can only be done by providing the body with a rich and diverse supply of organic and naturally occurring primary metabolites, preferably in the form of food. But considering the recent development of the State exhorted to quasi godly status of which provides highly processed and genetically modified foods, it seems absolutely necessary a medicinal form of mineral nutrition should be amended to any westerners diet. With this amendment we can supply the body with the proper fuels to completely and perfectly recreate every aspect of itself with regularity, and with proper mastery over the four elements, one may perpetuate ones life, infinitely.
Once the issue of primary metabolism can be balanced, the next step is the balance of consciousness. This is why plants make secondary metabolites. They dont need them for themselves (as some scientists may suggest, they are actually made for us to learn how to use to repair our own consciousness. Plant teachers are meant to help one developed unified consciousness which results from a successful meditation into the higher reality. Many plants do this through direct means, such as entheogens which teach you directly of your nature and of nature, however other plants and herbs have different functions which dramatically affect the baseline consciousness as well as. Many of them have naturally occurring compounds which are typically endogenous to the human being. Plants and animals are all the building blocks of humans taken apart and scattered throughout the land. Using these basic building blocks of nature, we can learn to use them to help not only repair the body from its various deficiencies, but balance the mind allowing for a more conducive meditative experience and more direct god-contact.
In this particular medicine, Kratom is a powerful opioid containing pain-relieving plant and only recommended for those suffering from chronic pain. I don't know if you have ever tried meditating while in physical or emotional pain, unless you are Rear Admiral Jeremiah Denton, but it is no easy task. Utilizing the Kratom to find inner balance from physical turmoil is only a temporary use. Treating the root-cause of your illness is the primary motive. That being said, use at your own discretion.
PKA solubility Log P and mitragynine and acidic water
Todd, D. A., Kellogg, J. J., Wallace, E. D., Khin, M., Flores-Bocanegra, L., Tanna, R. S., McIntosh, S., Raja, H. A., Graf, T. N., Hemby, S. E., Paine, M. F., Oberlies, N. H., & Cech, N. B. (2020). Chemical composition and biological effects of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa): In vitro studies with implications for efficacy and drug interactions. Scientific reports, 10(1), 19158. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-76119-w