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Maca Root has become widely used in modern times as a hormone balancer used for menstrual disorders, menopause symptoms, , aphrodisiac, and a tonic. It was a staple as food and medicine by the Andean peoples most notably for improving immune functions and for hormonal disorders including sterility. Maca is very high in many vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B, C, and E, calcium, zinc, iron, iodine, and magnesium. It is also rich in sugars, carbohydrates, amino acids and essential fatty acids. As a tonic it generally supports the whole body and gives more energy and mental clarity and protects the skin againt ultraviolet damage.
Maca Root has become widely used in modern times as a hormone balancer used for menstrual disorders, menopause symptoms, , aphrodisiac, and a tonic. It was a staple as food and medicine by the Andean peoples most notably for improving immune functions and for hormonal disorders including sterility. Maca is very high in many vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B, C, and E, calcium, zinc, iron, iodine, and magnesium. It is also rich in sugars, carbohydrates, amino acids and essential fatty acids. As a tonic it generally supports the whole body and gives more energy and mental clarity and protects the skin againt ultraviolet damage.