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Regular use keeps the internal clocks calibrated to the natural environmental clock. The Magnolia Berries act as adaptogens exerting normalizing functions on the endocrine system, regulating the production of serotonin. This effectually wakes you up when you’re supposed to get up, and then puts you down when you’re supposed to go down.
“Quiet the Mind and Calm the Heart”
Magnolia berries (also known as the five-flavored berry) are known in TCM to “Quiet the mind and calm the heart”. It has shown scientifically to help modulate a wide array of stress responses in the body and provides a multitude of compounds that promote wakefulness, sociability, fight fatigue and alleviate chronic tiredness (3). This helps preserve vital energies and sustains our physical and mental health. It’s energy boosting and stress eliminating properties allow us to use this extra energy and focus on the truly important matters at hand, like achieving sovereignty over life.
The Berries also stimulate siddhis (Siddhi - Wikipedia) reducing your need for food and water by suppressing emotional appetites, they further provide greater sensitivity to light, most notably at night, it enhances physical and mental stamina throughout the day and is shown clinically to enhance sociability, among a long list of unique medicinal/therapeutic effects.
I choose it as the key ingredient in AWAKE plant medicine collection because of its powerful ability to help regulate your natural internal timekeeping system, which is in fact the endocrine system, with the pineal as the master gland in the center of the brain. The pineal is a key producer of serotonin in the body and it is regulation is stimulated by the time-of-day. WIth healthy levels of serotonin, one is likely to have healthy levels of melatonin and DMT as well.
The pineal is a “photo-neuro-endocrine organ” (sourced in AWAKE). It transmutes light waves from the environment, sun and moon, into serotonin, melatonin and DMT in the correct ratios at the correct times during the day and night. Animal studies (1) suggest that the key active compounds in S. Chinensis, schisandrin and schisandrin B are related to the serotonin pathways and likewise modulate other important neurotransmitters like noradrenaline and dopamine, hence the berries light sensitivity enhancing and top-down immuno-regulatory effects. This also provides a anti-depression effect and is a non-specific anti-inflammatory device, becasue seratonin is the number one most powerful endogenously (naturally) produced antioxidant molecule.
Sources Magnolia Berry
Changchun University of Chinese Medicine
Regular use keeps the internal clocks calibrated to the natural environmental clock. The Magnolia Berries act as adaptogens exerting normalizing functions on the endocrine system, regulating the production of serotonin. This effectually wakes you up when you’re supposed to get up, and then puts you down when you’re supposed to go down.
“Quiet the Mind and Calm the Heart”
Magnolia berries (also known as the five-flavored berry) are known in TCM to “Quiet the mind and calm the heart”. It has shown scientifically to help modulate a wide array of stress responses in the body and provides a multitude of compounds that promote wakefulness, sociability, fight fatigue and alleviate chronic tiredness (3). This helps preserve vital energies and sustains our physical and mental health. It’s energy boosting and stress eliminating properties allow us to use this extra energy and focus on the truly important matters at hand, like achieving sovereignty over life.
The Berries also stimulate siddhis (Siddhi - Wikipedia) reducing your need for food and water by suppressing emotional appetites, they further provide greater sensitivity to light, most notably at night, it enhances physical and mental stamina throughout the day and is shown clinically to enhance sociability, among a long list of unique medicinal/therapeutic effects.
I choose it as the key ingredient in AWAKE plant medicine collection because of its powerful ability to help regulate your natural internal timekeeping system, which is in fact the endocrine system, with the pineal as the master gland in the center of the brain. The pineal is a key producer of serotonin in the body and it is regulation is stimulated by the time-of-day. WIth healthy levels of serotonin, one is likely to have healthy levels of melatonin and DMT as well.
The pineal is a “photo-neuro-endocrine organ” (sourced in AWAKE). It transmutes light waves from the environment, sun and moon, into serotonin, melatonin and DMT in the correct ratios at the correct times during the day and night. Animal studies (1) suggest that the key active compounds in S. Chinensis, schisandrin and schisandrin B are related to the serotonin pathways and likewise modulate other important neurotransmitters like noradrenaline and dopamine, hence the berries light sensitivity enhancing and top-down immuno-regulatory effects. This also provides a anti-depression effect and is a non-specific anti-inflammatory device, becasue seratonin is the number one most powerful endogenously (naturally) produced antioxidant molecule.
Sources Magnolia Berry
Changchun University of Chinese Medicine