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Wild harvested on the shores of Lake Superior, leaves stalks and flowers were blended and extracted together via soxhlet apparatus operating under vacuum with 70% ABV solvent. Minerals were methodically extracted as described by Paracelsus and unified with the extract under Jupiter's governance.
A valuable herb for cough and congestion and is a specific treatment by some practitioners for Tracheitis and bronchitis (always consult your medical professional before using herbal medicine for any ailment). It is mucilaginous and soothing to the mucus membranes. It is used to stop spasms of coughing and break up congestion. Ruled by Jupiter (and resonance with Saturn and Mercury) and associated with the throat chakra, its main actions are associated with the respiratory tract, the ears, and the bladder. Mullein carries very mild pain-killing and narcotic properties that encourages deeper rest and recuperate.
Wild harvested on the shores of Lake Superior, leaves stalks and flowers were blended and extracted together via soxhlet apparatus operating under vacuum with 70% ABV solvent. Minerals were methodically extracted as described by Paracelsus and unified with the extract under Jupiter's governance.
A valuable herb for cough and congestion and is a specific treatment by some practitioners for Tracheitis and bronchitis (always consult your medical professional before using herbal medicine for any ailment). It is mucilaginous and soothing to the mucus membranes. It is used to stop spasms of coughing and break up congestion. Ruled by Jupiter (and resonance with Saturn and Mercury) and associated with the throat chakra, its main actions are associated with the respiratory tract, the ears, and the bladder. Mullein carries very mild pain-killing and narcotic properties that encourages deeper rest and recuperate.