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Purple cone flower has positioned itself as a key medicinal herb. By the 1800’s it was known as Snakeroot because of its ability to treat snake bites. Traditionally the Sioux tribe is documented for having used it for the same purposes.
The herb has a potent ability to counter infection, especially viral and bacterial. It also is shown to clear toxins from the body. Most commnoly taken for upper respiratory infections such as colds, flu, and coughs.
Research into the effects of Echinacea on the immune system has confirmed it increases white blood cell and their strength of action. Although, (like most natural intelligences) its primary mode of action is not well understood. The polysaccharides inhibit the abilithy of viruses to take over cells, while the alkylamides are antibacterial and antifungal.
Research supports its claims to prevent colds and respiratory infections resulting from air travel. Makes a good throat gargle.
Echnicea is very commonly used in modernity to counter allergies and has been shown to be considered safe and effective with regular usage.
Erxtraction procedure is dictated by the below studied suggesting a medium ratio of water to ethanol so that a wider spectrum of medicinal compounds is extracted.
Spagyric tinctures contain a range of essential nutritionalmacro and trace minerals which enhance the bioactivity of the medicinal actions of the plants as well.
This extract was prepared in a 1:5 volume ratio herb to solvent with 45% alcohol by volume and was extracted in warm water for 30 minutes.
Purple cone flower has positioned itself as a key medicinal herb. By the 1800’s it was known as Snakeroot because of its ability to treat snake bites. Traditionally the Sioux tribe is documented for having used it for the same purposes.
The herb has a potent ability to counter infection, especially viral and bacterial. It also is shown to clear toxins from the body. Most commnoly taken for upper respiratory infections such as colds, flu, and coughs.
Research into the effects of Echinacea on the immune system has confirmed it increases white blood cell and their strength of action. Although, (like most natural intelligences) its primary mode of action is not well understood. The polysaccharides inhibit the abilithy of viruses to take over cells, while the alkylamides are antibacterial and antifungal.
Research supports its claims to prevent colds and respiratory infections resulting from air travel. Makes a good throat gargle.
Echnicea is very commonly used in modernity to counter allergies and has been shown to be considered safe and effective with regular usage.
Erxtraction procedure is dictated by the below studied suggesting a medium ratio of water to ethanol so that a wider spectrum of medicinal compounds is extracted.
Spagyric tinctures contain a range of essential nutritionalmacro and trace minerals which enhance the bioactivity of the medicinal actions of the plants as well.
This extract was prepared in a 1:5 volume ratio herb to solvent with 45% alcohol by volume and was extracted in warm water for 30 minutes.