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Salvia, linguistically derived from latin meaning ‘to save/cure’, Sage has a longstanding use as a Nerve Tonic serving to enhance memory and acts as a digestive tonic supporting stomach health and promoting digestion and absorbption. As a spray, it has been found to relive a sore throat. But most importantly, it has gained recognition through research as a Hormonal Remedy valuable for irregular and scanty periods as well as regulating hotflashes. This makes it especially useful during menopause. Further, it lowers blood fat levels and may be effective in the treamnet of hyperlipidemia, according to a clinical trial published in 2011.
Salvia, linguistically derived from latin meaning ‘to save/cure’, Sage has a longstanding use as a Nerve Tonic serving to enhance memory and acts as a digestive tonic supporting stomach health and promoting digestion and absorbption. As a spray, it has been found to relive a sore throat. But most importantly, it has gained recognition through research as a Hormonal Remedy valuable for irregular and scanty periods as well as regulating hotflashes. This makes it especially useful during menopause. Further, it lowers blood fat levels and may be effective in the treamnet of hyperlipidemia, according to a clinical trial published in 2011.