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Medicinal Plant Collections
A spagyric plant medicine collection curated for sleep-time functioning. This collection was based on four medicinal plants that have been used since time immemorial for the effect of improving the sleeping experience and scientifically verified to support night-time physiological activities.
The annotated studies described sleep architecture with many factors including but not limited to: Sleep onset, number of times waking up, time in REM, quality of sleep, post sleep quality and more. The four medicinal plants comprising the SLEEP collection are Passiflora incarnata - Passionflower, Lavandula angustifolia –Lavender, Chamomile – Matricharia chamomilia, and Kava Kava – Piper methysticum.
Shown to improve the sleeping experience and promote neurogenesis. Passionflower’s high concentration of phyto endogenous GABA, the chief inhibitory neuro transmitter in humans, provides the calming, tranquilizing, and sleep quality enhancement effects you could apply to assist your sleeping pattern.
A passion-play (1843, in a Germancontext) represents the scenes in the Passion of Christ. The passion-flower was so called from the 1630s. The name passionflower — flos passionis — arose from the supposed resemblance of the corona to the crown of thorns, and of the other parts of the flower to the nails, or wounds, while the five sepals and five petals were taken to symbolize the ten apostles — Peter ... and Judas ... being left out of the reckoning. [Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1885]
A powerful sleep inducer, hypnotic and pain reliever. Named for its smell of earthy apples, Chamomile has a range of therapeutic affects but is noted for its ability to induce sleep and significantly improve the quality. It is also an anti-depressant and immune regulator. Effective for depression especially in women postpartum (1).
Kava Kava has recently come into fame for its hypnotic, euphoric, sedating, sleep quality enhancing affects (2)(3)(4). It’s been used traditionally as a replacement to alcohol by the south pacific islanders (5). They also used it as a relaxant and in cultural and religious ceremonies to achieve a “higher level ofconsciousness” to communicate with spirits gods and demigods (1). A study in mice showed an increased level of delta brainwave activity during sleeping patterns (1). Delta state is the slowest form of brain waves and only occurs in deep sleep and in wakefulness in advanced meditators. Peaks into slower brainwaves like theta and delta have been correlated with faster cellularre generation, reduced stress levels and effects of stress, creative inspiration, REM/dream onset, and clear inner vision (6).
Kavalactones increases each others bio-availabilities andtotal spectrum of phytocompounds is required to negate toxicity (3)
Lavander Sources
(1) Samadi Z, Jannati Y,Hamidia A, Mohammadpour RA, Hesamzadeh A. The effect of aromatherapy withlavender essential oil on sleep quality in patients with major depression. JNurs Midwifery Sci [serial online] 2021 [cited 2022 May 19];8:67-73.Available from: https://www.jnmsjournal.org/text.asp?2021/8/2/67/315419
(2) Delaveau P,Guillemain J, Narcisse G, Rousseau A. [ Neuro-depressive properties ofessential oil of lavender]. Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologieet de ses Filiales. 1989 ;183(4):342-348. PMID: 2575924.
(3) Why Can Lavender BeUsed to Repel Moths? – The Chemistry of Lavender – Compound Interest(compoundchem.com)
(4) Chemicalconstituents of Lavender oil | Essential Oil (ayurvedicoils.com)
Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Investigation of theEffects of Passiflora incarnata (Passionflower) Herbal Tea on Subjective SleepQualityA. Ngan,R. ConduitFirst published: 03 February 2011 https://doi.org/10.1002/ptr.3400
Lee, Jeewona; Jung, Han-Younga;Lee, Soyoung Irenea; Choi, Ji Hob; Kim, Shin-Gyeoma Effectsof Passiflora incarnata Linnaeus on polysomnographic sleep parameters insubjects with insomnia disorder: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlledstudy, International Clinical Psychopharmacology: January 2020 - Volume 35 -Issue 1 - p 29-35 doi: 10.1097/YIC.0000000000000291
Gwang-Ho Kim, Kyunghyun Lim, Hae Sung Yang, Ji-Kwang Lee,Yehlim Kim, Sang-Kyu Park, So-Hyeon Kim, Suhyeon Park, Tae-Hee Kim, Jong-SeokMoon, In Koo Hwang, Yeo Sung Yoon, Hyung Seok Seo, Sung Min Nam, Mi-Yeon Kim,Seul Gi Yoon, Je Kyung Seong, Sun Shin Yi,
Improvement in neurogenesis and memory function byadministration of Passiflora incarnata L. extract applied to sleep disorder inrodent models, Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, Volume 98, 2019, Pages 27-40,ISSN 0891-0618, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jchemneu.2019.03.005.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0891061818301601)
Beneficial Neuro-Pharmacological Effect of Passionflower (PassifloraIncarnate L) Hayder M Al-kuraishy1*, Salah Al-windy2 and Ali I Al-Gareeb1 1Department Of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Medicine College of MedicineAl-Mustansiriya University, Iraq
(1) Mohsen Adib-Hajbaghery, Seyedeh Nesa Mousavi, Theeffects of chamomile extract on sleep quality among elderly people: A clinicaltrial,Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Volume 35, 2017, Pages 109-114, ISSN0965-2299, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ctim.2017.09.010.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0965229917302601)
(2) Hieu, TH, Dibas, M, Surya Dila, KA, et al. Therapeuticefficacy and safety of chamomile for state anxiety, generalized anxietydisorder, insomnia, and sleep quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis ofrandomized trials and quasi-randomized trials. PhytotherapyResearch. 2019; 33: 1604– 1615. https://doi.org/10.1002/ptr.6349
(3) Singh O, Khanam Z, Misra N, Srivastava MK. Chamomile(Matricaria chamomilla L.): An overview. Pharmacogn Rev. 2011;5(9):82-95. doi:10.4103/0973-7847.79103
(4) El Mihyaoui, Amina, et al. "Chamomile (Matricariachamomilla L.): A Review of Ethnomedicinal Use, Phytochemistry andPharmacological Uses." Life 12.4 (2022): 479.
Kava Kava
(1)Shinomiya, K., Inoue, T., Utsu, Y. et al. Effectsof kava-kava extract on the sleep–wake cycle in sleep-disturbed rats. Psychopharmacology 180, 564–569(2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00213-005-2196-4
Anna Rita Bilia, Sandra Gallori, Franco F Vincieri,
(2)Kava-kava and anxiety: Growing knowledge about theefficacy and safety,Life Sciences,Volume70, Issue 22, 2002, Pages 2581-2597, ISSN0024-3205, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0024-3205(02)01555-2.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0024320502015552)
(3) Spinella,Marcello. "The importance of pharmacological synergy in psychoactiveherbal medicines." Alternative Medicine Review 7.2 (2002): 130-137.
(4) Wheatley, David."Medicinal plants for insomnia: a review of their pharmacology, efficacyand tolerability." Journal of psychopharmacology 19.4 (2005): 414-421.
(5)Whitton, Peter A., et al."Kava lactones and the kava-kava controversy." Phytochemistry 64.3 (2003): 673-679.
(6)Dudeja, Jai Paul."Scientific analysis of mantra-based meditation and its beneficialeffects: An overview." International Journal of Advanced Scientific Technologies inEngineering and Management Sciences 3.6 (2017): 21-26.
Black pepper withmelatonin
Padumanonda,T., Johns, J., Sangkasat, A. et al. Determination of melatonincontent in traditional Thai herbal remedies used as sleeping aids. DARUJ Pharm Sci 22, 6 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1186/2008-2231-22-6
Medicinal Plant Collections
A spagyric plant medicine collection curated for sleep-time functioning. This collection was based on four medicinal plants that have been used since time immemorial for the effect of improving the sleeping experience and scientifically verified to support night-time physiological activities.
The annotated studies described sleep architecture with many factors including but not limited to: Sleep onset, number of times waking up, time in REM, quality of sleep, post sleep quality and more. The four medicinal plants comprising the SLEEP collection are Passiflora incarnata - Passionflower, Lavandula angustifolia –Lavender, Chamomile – Matricharia chamomilia, and Kava Kava – Piper methysticum.
Shown to improve the sleeping experience and promote neurogenesis. Passionflower’s high concentration of phyto endogenous GABA, the chief inhibitory neuro transmitter in humans, provides the calming, tranquilizing, and sleep quality enhancement effects you could apply to assist your sleeping pattern.
A passion-play (1843, in a Germancontext) represents the scenes in the Passion of Christ. The passion-flower was so called from the 1630s. The name passionflower — flos passionis — arose from the supposed resemblance of the corona to the crown of thorns, and of the other parts of the flower to the nails, or wounds, while the five sepals and five petals were taken to symbolize the ten apostles — Peter ... and Judas ... being left out of the reckoning. [Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1885]
A powerful sleep inducer, hypnotic and pain reliever. Named for its smell of earthy apples, Chamomile has a range of therapeutic affects but is noted for its ability to induce sleep and significantly improve the quality. It is also an anti-depressant and immune regulator. Effective for depression especially in women postpartum (1).
Kava Kava has recently come into fame for its hypnotic, euphoric, sedating, sleep quality enhancing affects (2)(3)(4). It’s been used traditionally as a replacement to alcohol by the south pacific islanders (5). They also used it as a relaxant and in cultural and religious ceremonies to achieve a “higher level ofconsciousness” to communicate with spirits gods and demigods (1). A study in mice showed an increased level of delta brainwave activity during sleeping patterns (1). Delta state is the slowest form of brain waves and only occurs in deep sleep and in wakefulness in advanced meditators. Peaks into slower brainwaves like theta and delta have been correlated with faster cellularre generation, reduced stress levels and effects of stress, creative inspiration, REM/dream onset, and clear inner vision (6).
Kavalactones increases each others bio-availabilities andtotal spectrum of phytocompounds is required to negate toxicity (3)
Lavander Sources
(1) Samadi Z, Jannati Y,Hamidia A, Mohammadpour RA, Hesamzadeh A. The effect of aromatherapy withlavender essential oil on sleep quality in patients with major depression. JNurs Midwifery Sci [serial online] 2021 [cited 2022 May 19];8:67-73.Available from: https://www.jnmsjournal.org/text.asp?2021/8/2/67/315419
(2) Delaveau P,Guillemain J, Narcisse G, Rousseau A. [ Neuro-depressive properties ofessential oil of lavender]. Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologieet de ses Filiales. 1989 ;183(4):342-348. PMID: 2575924.
(3) Why Can Lavender BeUsed to Repel Moths? – The Chemistry of Lavender – Compound Interest(compoundchem.com)
(4) Chemicalconstituents of Lavender oil | Essential Oil (ayurvedicoils.com)
Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Investigation of theEffects of Passiflora incarnata (Passionflower) Herbal Tea on Subjective SleepQualityA. Ngan,R. ConduitFirst published: 03 February 2011 https://doi.org/10.1002/ptr.3400
Lee, Jeewona; Jung, Han-Younga;Lee, Soyoung Irenea; Choi, Ji Hob; Kim, Shin-Gyeoma Effectsof Passiflora incarnata Linnaeus on polysomnographic sleep parameters insubjects with insomnia disorder: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlledstudy, International Clinical Psychopharmacology: January 2020 - Volume 35 -Issue 1 - p 29-35 doi: 10.1097/YIC.0000000000000291
Gwang-Ho Kim, Kyunghyun Lim, Hae Sung Yang, Ji-Kwang Lee,Yehlim Kim, Sang-Kyu Park, So-Hyeon Kim, Suhyeon Park, Tae-Hee Kim, Jong-SeokMoon, In Koo Hwang, Yeo Sung Yoon, Hyung Seok Seo, Sung Min Nam, Mi-Yeon Kim,Seul Gi Yoon, Je Kyung Seong, Sun Shin Yi,
Improvement in neurogenesis and memory function byadministration of Passiflora incarnata L. extract applied to sleep disorder inrodent models, Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, Volume 98, 2019, Pages 27-40,ISSN 0891-0618, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jchemneu.2019.03.005.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0891061818301601)
Beneficial Neuro-Pharmacological Effect of Passionflower (PassifloraIncarnate L) Hayder M Al-kuraishy1*, Salah Al-windy2 and Ali I Al-Gareeb1 1Department Of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Medicine College of MedicineAl-Mustansiriya University, Iraq
(1) Mohsen Adib-Hajbaghery, Seyedeh Nesa Mousavi, Theeffects of chamomile extract on sleep quality among elderly people: A clinicaltrial,Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Volume 35, 2017, Pages 109-114, ISSN0965-2299, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ctim.2017.09.010.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0965229917302601)
(2) Hieu, TH, Dibas, M, Surya Dila, KA, et al. Therapeuticefficacy and safety of chamomile for state anxiety, generalized anxietydisorder, insomnia, and sleep quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis ofrandomized trials and quasi-randomized trials. PhytotherapyResearch. 2019; 33: 1604– 1615. https://doi.org/10.1002/ptr.6349
(3) Singh O, Khanam Z, Misra N, Srivastava MK. Chamomile(Matricaria chamomilla L.): An overview. Pharmacogn Rev. 2011;5(9):82-95. doi:10.4103/0973-7847.79103
(4) El Mihyaoui, Amina, et al. "Chamomile (Matricariachamomilla L.): A Review of Ethnomedicinal Use, Phytochemistry andPharmacological Uses." Life 12.4 (2022): 479.
Kava Kava
(1)Shinomiya, K., Inoue, T., Utsu, Y. et al. Effectsof kava-kava extract on the sleep–wake cycle in sleep-disturbed rats. Psychopharmacology 180, 564–569(2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00213-005-2196-4
Anna Rita Bilia, Sandra Gallori, Franco F Vincieri,
(2)Kava-kava and anxiety: Growing knowledge about theefficacy and safety,Life Sciences,Volume70, Issue 22, 2002, Pages 2581-2597, ISSN0024-3205, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0024-3205(02)01555-2.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0024320502015552)
(3) Spinella,Marcello. "The importance of pharmacological synergy in psychoactiveherbal medicines." Alternative Medicine Review 7.2 (2002): 130-137.
(4) Wheatley, David."Medicinal plants for insomnia: a review of their pharmacology, efficacyand tolerability." Journal of psychopharmacology 19.4 (2005): 414-421.
(5)Whitton, Peter A., et al."Kava lactones and the kava-kava controversy." Phytochemistry 64.3 (2003): 673-679.
(6)Dudeja, Jai Paul."Scientific analysis of mantra-based meditation and its beneficialeffects: An overview." International Journal of Advanced Scientific Technologies inEngineering and Management Sciences 3.6 (2017): 21-26.
Black pepper withmelatonin
Padumanonda,T., Johns, J., Sangkasat, A. et al. Determination of melatonincontent in traditional Thai herbal remedies used as sleeping aids. DARUJ Pharm Sci 22, 6 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1186/2008-2231-22-6