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Also known as Sinicuichie, meaning ‘magical drink which causes oblivion’, it is an entheogenic perennial herbaceous shrub native to Central America and Mexico. It has a myriad of uses, traditionally including the treatment of syphillis, though no empirical evidence supports this. It has been used in spiritual ritual throughout the Americas, with scientific testing of its hallucinogenic properties first documented int the 1800’s. It carries subtle auditory and visual hallucinations, the Sun Opener has its most notable effects in the dream world, catalyzing a heightened sense of lucidity, heightened dream recall, and more dream content. A yellow tint to the vision may accompany a high dosage.
Also known as Sinicuichie, meaning ‘magical drink which causes oblivion’, it is an entheogenic perennial herbaceous shrub native to Central America and Mexico. It has a myriad of uses, traditionally including the treatment of syphillis, though no empirical evidence supports this. It has been used in spiritual ritual throughout the Americas, with scientific testing of its hallucinogenic properties first documented int the 1800’s. It carries subtle auditory and visual hallucinations, the Sun Opener has its most notable effects in the dream world, catalyzing a heightened sense of lucidity, heightened dream recall, and more dream content. A yellow tint to the vision may accompany a high dosage.