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One of 4 known caffeinated Holly species, and is presently believed to be the worlds richest source of naturally occurring caffeine. ranking at number one in the collection, Amazonian Javara Indians would traditionally employee anm emetic practices so as not to overdose on the species in their morning caffeine ceremonies r. However this tincture was calibrated so as not to cause noxious caffeine inebriation. this extract is best taken as a caffeine shot with 5 to 20 dropsa directly under the tongue and hold her for one minute, or as a adjunct in any beverage, especially water and wine.
W.H. Lewis, E.J. Kennelly, G.N. Bass, H.J. Wedner, M.P. Elvin-Lewis, D.Fast W.,Ritualistic use of the holly Ilex guayusa by Amazonian Jivaro Indians,Journal of Ethnopharmacology,Volume 33, Issues 1–2,1991,Pages 25-30,ISSN 0378-8741,https://doi.org/10.1016/0378-8741(91)90156-8.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0378874191901568)://scholar.googleusercontent.com/scholar?q=cache:OlIkS0GXGOkJ:scholar.google.com/+kola+nut+caffeine+solvent&hl=en&as_sdt=0,23
this species of hollies carries the highest known caffeine concentration in the world.
One of 4 known caffeinated Holly species, and is presently believed to be the worlds richest source of naturally occurring caffeine. ranking at number one in the collection, Amazonian Javara Indians would traditionally employee anm emetic practices so as not to overdose on the species in their morning caffeine ceremonies r. However this tincture was calibrated so as not to cause noxious caffeine inebriation. this extract is best taken as a caffeine shot with 5 to 20 dropsa directly under the tongue and hold her for one minute, or as a adjunct in any beverage, especially water and wine.
W.H. Lewis, E.J. Kennelly, G.N. Bass, H.J. Wedner, M.P. Elvin-Lewis, D.Fast W.,Ritualistic use of the holly Ilex guayusa by Amazonian Jivaro Indians,Journal of Ethnopharmacology,Volume 33, Issues 1–2,1991,Pages 25-30,ISSN 0378-8741,https://doi.org/10.1016/0378-8741(91)90156-8.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0378874191901568)://scholar.googleusercontent.com/scholar?q=cache:OlIkS0GXGOkJ:scholar.google.com/+kola+nut+caffeine+solvent&hl=en&as_sdt=0,23
this species of hollies carries the highest known caffeine concentration in the world.